7 research outputs found

    Implementasi Fuzzy Terhadap Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Dalam Menentukan Kelayakan Pembiayaan Pengajuan Kredit Barang

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    PT. X is a company which operates in electronics and furniture financing. As a finance company, the major concern is how to get as many debtors who have a strong commitment to repay provided financing. Decision Support System is one of the uses of computer technology which is able to help in a decision making. The loan officers are required precision, accuracy and responsibility in determining the admissibility of such financing in order to the management of PT. X wills not loss. One way to determine a accepted or not accepted financing is by building up a system that can facilitate the management in assessing of feasibility of the filling of financing by debtors using Fuzzy Inference System Mamdani method. It is known that by Fuzzy Inference System Mamdani method implementation will simplify for the management in financing decision making whether receive or not from debtors' filing

    Peranan Domain Penafsiran Dalam Menentukan Jenis Kuantor

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    Logic holds an important role in Computer Academic is used as a basic for programming language, Data Base, Artificial Intelligent, Software Engineering, and etc. It can be concluded that if we want to learn about computer, so it will be connected to logic. Logic is one of knowledge which can't stand alone. It can be used to evaluate and organize the structure of arguments and statements which are collected from the study of the argument and formal system effect to daily human language. Quantifier is a sentence that conatains that quantity of expression involved eg existing objects, all, some, not all, and others. Quantifier consists of two forms Universal Quantifier and Existensial Quantifier. Universal Quantifier has the word - a word that implies a general and comprehensive while Existensial Quantifier have words – words that contain some sprecial meaning. Domain of quantifier interpretation is very important to determine the type of quantifier which would be used and affect its symbol

    Perancangan Aplikasi Database Penjualan Pada Kerajinan Sulam Usus Desa Margodadi Kecamatan Jati Agung Lampung Selatan

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    Dedication to community activities is one Tridarma lecturers in applying the knowledge and skills to the general public. One of the goals of this service activities are Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the province of Lampung. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is a form of small business community based initiatives establishment someone who was instrumental in reducing the unemployment rate in Indonesia so it can contribute greatly to the income of local and regional income Lampung province and even the country. One of them is the SMEs embroidery intestine. Margodadi village is one of the villages that have Sulam SMEs intestine. Villagers who have intestinal embroidery craft SMEs still perform manual processing that uses handwriting on the books that require the processing of sales database. Based on this it is necessary to design a database processing application on SME sales embroidery craft intestine

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pembelajaran Fuzzy Logic Berbasis Multimedia

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    Perkembangan teknologi pada saat ini telah berkembang pesat, salah satunya dalam bidang pendidikan. Pendidikan adalah hal terpenting dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Mengadaptasi pada proses belajar mengajar dalam penerapan teknologi memiliki dua unsur yang sangat penting yaitu metode mengajar dan media pembelajaran. Kedua aspek ini saling berkaitan. Pemilihan salah satu metode mengajar tertentu akan mempengaruhi jenis media pembelajaran yang sesuai, meskipun masih ada berbagai aspek lain yang harus diperhatikan dalam memilih media pembelajaran. Aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis multimedia merupakan salah satu aplikasi yang dapat digunakan bagi pelajar dalam dunia pendidikan saat ini. Karena dapat memberikan materi pelajaran secara interaktif dengan didukung berbagai aspek seperti audio, video, animasi, teks, dan grafik. Metode pengembangan perangkat lunak aplikasi pembelajaran Multimedia ini menggunakan Siklus Hidup Pengembangan Multimedia. Pengembangan multimedia ini dilakukan berdasarkan sebelas tahap, yaitu mendefinisikan masalah, studi kelayakan, analisis kebutuhan sistem, merancang konsep, merancang isi, merancang naskah, merancang grafik, memproduksi sistem, mengetes sistem, menggunakan sistem, memelihara sistem. Aplikasi pembelajaran memberikan salah satu pilihan alternatif dalam memberikan pengetahuan tentang mata kuliah Fuzzy Logic dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran yang berbasis multimedia yang dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk proses belajar materi Fuzzy Logic, dibangun dengan menggunakan Action Script2 yang terdapat pada Adobe Flash CS6 dan berbasis animasi. Sehingga aplikasi pembelajaran ini lebih menarik minat mahasiswa untuk belajar, dengan materi-materi yang dipelajari dalam perkuliahan Fuzzy Logi

    Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Teknik Pengkodean Barcode Berbasis Multimedia dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar

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    Science information and communication technology, especially the use of computers is growing rapidly every year. One is the application in multimedia. Multimedia has changed the way people interact with computers. Multimedia applications can quickly attract the attention of someone, to be used according to their individual needs. Today, many multimedia functions involved in various fields of activity. Not only in entertainment but also used in the learning process. Media multimedia-based learning is one application that can be used for students in education today. Because it can provide an interactive learning materials and supported various aspects such as audio, video, animation, text, and graphics. Software development methods of learning media using the Multimedia Development Lifecycle. Multimedia Development is carried out by eleven stages, namely defining the problem, feasibility studies, system requirements analysis, design a concept, designing the content, designing text, graphics designing, producing system, test system, using the system, maintaining the system. Application of instructional media barcode-based multimedia coding techniques to assist teachers in improving the quality of teaching and learning activities so that it becomes more attractive for students